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Engage Spring Fruita Trip 2024

 Now is the time to start thinking about our 9th Annual Spring Fruita trip! It's a great way to start the spring off with some time on the bikes, golf, guns, food, and fellowship! We will have a few changes this year to our program but the location will stay the same. 

   We will be opening up our spring trip to our local brothers at Grace Church and The Orchard! And as usual we will have a few of the “goats” from over in the Vail Valley in attendance as well. We are limited to 30 people so make sure to get registered now! 

   We will also be discussing a book for the first time. . . "The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry: How to Stay Emotionally Healthy and Spiritually Alive in the Chaos of the Modern World"  by John Mark Comer.

Think the title says it all and no matter where you are in your Faith walk this is something I believe we all struggle with. Once you get registered, I will send out your book in whatever medium you would like...Audible, Hardback, or Kindle. Again…make sure to get signed up now so you can have time to dive in before the trip.



Back to Fruita we go to the Moon Farm Ranch just down from 18 Road trails. It will be the same scenario as in past years with beds available in the house (first come, first serve), tent camping outside, car-top tents, or vans.


Here are all the details:

2024 Men's ENGAGE Spring Trip

When: Thursday, May 2th - Sunday, May 5th

Where: Fruita, CO (Moon Farm Ranch)

What is Provided: Lodging, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Swag

Cost: $125


(Registration cutoff will be Sunday, April 28th)


Thanks and let me know if you have any questions - Andy

of where our disscussions will go

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Crossroads Church

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726 W. Francis Aspen, CO 81611 | 970-925-7828 |

 Opening Hours: Mon - Thur 9am-5pm, Fri 9am-12pm,​​ ​ Sundays 8am-8pm

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